New Cardboard Bike is Awesome

Cardboard Bike img from Sheffield Hallam Univ.According to Sheffield Hallam University’s website, “A student at Sheffield Hallam University has created a unique cardboard bicycle, which aims to reduce thefts and encourage people to get out of
their cars and ‘on their bikes.'”

The bike costs about $30 to make and its body is biodegradable.  Unfortunately, the bike can’t get wet and it can only hold a person–Americans beware–up to 168 pounds.

Source: Cardboard Bike A Cheap Solution to Theft | EcoGeek

Portland Considered Most Bicycle-Friendly City in North America

Portland has become an urban planner’s dream lately–with their urban growth boundary and celebrated environmental planning.

Now Portland’s considered North America’s most bicycle-friendly city.

Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now, recently interviewed Scott Bricker, Executive Director of Portland’s Bicycle Transportation Alliance and Elly Blue, a Portland-based transportation activist about what makes Portland so bicycle friendly.

Amy’s guests were there to promote the Towards Carfree Cities Conference coming up in June.

Interview: Portland Considered Most Bicycle-Friendly City in North America
Above image from