World Urban Population To Double

The Independent reports, “The combined forces of population growth and urbanization are creating a planet of slums, where the urban population will have doubled by 2030, according to a report released by the United Nations.”

“The UN’s findings echo recent predictions that 2008 will see a watershed in human history as the balance of the world’s population tips from rural to urban. Many of the new urbanites will be poor and the shelters into which they move, or are born, will be slums.”

Source: Planet of The Slums: UN Warns Urban Populations Set To Double

First zero-emission home unveiled in UK

Zero-emission Home | From BBC

The BBC reports, “The UK has unveiled the first zero-emission house that will set the environmental standard for all new homes in future.”

The “Lighthouse” features solar panels, a biomass boiler, and water efficiency devices such as rainwater harvesting. Also, its owners will be able to tell if they are wasting any energy through a “smart metering” system.

There’s no details about when the house will be built, how much it’ll cost, or what materials will be used for construction. So, really, it’s not the first zero-emission house until it’s built.

Source: First zero-emission home unveiled

Nonprofits use Google Earth to illustrate causes

Appalachian Voices is using 3D maps in Google Earth to show destroyed Appalachian Mountains | From CNet

Google Earth is making it easier for nonprofit groups to make maps that illustrate their causes. While normal GIS (Geographic Information Systems) programs are both expensive and difficult to use, Google Earth is free and easy.

According to CNet, “The popularity of mapping tools from Google and rival Microsoft has spurred nonprofits and other organizations to develop “layers” for the service that visually guide people to a cause. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency earlier this year said it plans to use Google Earth to map out toxic wastelands.”

gCensus takes layers most nonprofits are using a step further by allowing users to incorporate Census data. This allows users to create maps, of normally dull data, into a medium everyone can understand.

The Google Earth and gCensus combination creates an incredibly powerful, and easy to use, resource for nonprofits.

Source: Do-gooders doing Google Earth